The Small Ports of Mexico

Transferring cargo between countries can be a major hassle for a traveler who is unaware of Customs regulations in the country that he is visiting. For the shipment of your goods to Mexico, there are special Customs regulations in place for visitors of the country. By adhering to these strict guidelines, anyone visiting Mexico from tourists to diplomats can help to avoid complications and avoidable delays.

Your shipping will go faster if the documents providing to Customs officials are valid and authentic, and the same goes for most agencies of any government. By counting and submitting every detail on your shipment in the invenotyr you give to the Customs Officer, you’re doing yourself a huge favor. You run the risk of confiscation for any item that you do not mention. By including everything on your inventory, you avoid a good amount of delays and misunderstandings.

A visitor is only asking for more problems by catching an attitude, especially by moving cargo without approval of the authorities. This may cause government officials to become suspicious of illegal activities, in turn leading to interrogation and possible searches.

When it comes to fragile items, consult with the Insurance conditions of the chosen shipping company or entertain the possibility of employing crating services to ensure the safety of the precious goods upon transport. At a price, these establishments will procure the more delicate parcels from the shipper’s residence, pack them and deliver it to their designated terminal. Dutiable or restricted items, namely valuable works of art, antiques and precious metals such as gold and silver should be declared to Customs authorities as well.

Visitors unable to claim their shipments, leaving them in port for up to 2 months following their arrival, may find their shipments are no longer there and they’re considered abandoned. Customs officials in Mexico can confiscate any shipment that is considered abandoned. If the parcels are being transferred through ocean freights, the traveler has the chance of claiming them at the surface port within 60 days of arrival.

~ by sathvikt on October 24, 2010.

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